Second Graders in Action! |
First Semester Songs
The Big Chill
Snow Day! A Quiet Day At Home We're On the Same Track The Snow Dance! Seven Feet of Snow! Head and Shoulders, Baby Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes Ram Sam Sam Freeze song Lucy Locket Little Sally Walker Charlie Over the Ocean First Semester Poems
Jewel, Jewel, Go to School
Rickety Rackety Rockety Ree First Semester Vocabulary
Instruments we're learning
Second Grade Curriculum Elements
Here are some of the things we're doing in music class this year! As you read, you might see "TLW" this is an abbreviation for "the learner will..."
TLW sing a variety of call-and-response songs.
TLW perform a rhythmic "answer" to the teacher's rhythmic "question."
Beat & Rhythm
TLW initiate movement demonstrating a steady beat through shared space.
Listening & Evaluation
TLW aurally identify the families of unpitched instruments (i.e. woods, metals, drums, shakers/scrapers).
Movement Concepts
TLW create a locomotor movement to the steady beat.
TLW improvise a response to a spoken poem.
TLW read patterns with quarter notes/rests, eighth notes, half notes/rests, and whole notes/rests.
Other Concepts